Wednesday, February 1, 2012


These sculptures started as a way to 'recharge' my batteries before a new bout of painting - what I really am known for - but have grown to have their own audience of admirers. They are all made from 'found objects' that I scrounge 2nd hand stores for and a lot of my friends junk piles in their basements and garages.  
I'm still creating them!

TIN LIZZIE......old light fixture, tea caddy, sproingy-mixy thing, old sewing machine feet, jack,  bike parts, xmas do-dads, screws and bolts.
Made to sit on a dashboard and bounce.

DO ROBOTS PLANT ELECTRIC BULBS......incense burners, cat food tin, bike parts, old sewing machine feet, bent wire, nuts and bolts

FETCHING.........old fan attachment, cat food tin, candy tin, electronic cables, bike parts, metal beads, meccanno set wrench, lids, nuts and bolts

THE TIN MAN GETS A HEART.........old cash register bits, bike parts tin can, serving clasps, shower faucet, incense burner, heart pendant, xmas do-dad, screws, nuts and bolts

ZIP-E SPACE EXPLORER.....old icing tube, hand made from sculpy figure in hand made clothing, bike parts, ear bud, meccanno bits, nuts and bolts

MOTORCYCLE MAN...........metal candle holder, plumbing bits, old kid's scooter parts, bike parts, computer mouse, faucet head, old sewing machine feet, nuts and bolts. Spray painted.

GALA TROPHIES...........old canisters, tea pots, candlesticks, picture frame, tea caddy, salad tongs, glasses, forks, metal salt and pepper tops, twisted wire, bike parts, nuts and bolts 

SURFER, DUDE...........old glasses case, charger cords, forks, dial element from old radio wave tuner, old fishing lures, strange ephemera, wires, bolts and nuts, cut aluminum with insulation foam waves.


  1. What a huge compliment! Thank you, Shella.

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  3. These are soooo adorable and inspirational!!
